Maps & Mods - Neverwinter Nights 2

The Scripted Lighting System Version 2 (SLS2) is a set of scripts, blueprints and
prefabs for Neverwinter Nights 2 module builders. The system allows builders to
setup complex lighting effects without the need for extensive scripting knowledge.
All the main setup is done though variables.
The original SLS was a basic system which let builders set their lights to turn on
and off at specified times of day allowing you to have an exterior area where the
lights turned off during the day.
I saw room for improvement and started working on SLS2. This ended up being a
complete rewrite with SLS2 becoming a complete lighting control and event
Of course SLS2 still allows you to set automatic day/night schedules for your
lights but there are now many other ways of controlling what your lights do.
Triggers, conversations and scripts can all be used to modify lights in different
Key Features:
- Day/Night settings for your lights
- Control light from conversations/cutscenes
- Change light with triggers
- Easy script access to your lights
- Turn lights on or off and change their colour
- Set lights to run in a sequence
- Have your guards automatically equip torches at night
SLS2 Includes:
- 43 light blueprints
- 27 placed effect blueprints
- Some fire re-colours for your more magical settings (Screenshot)
- 54 placeable blueprints with preset variables
- 109 prefabs ready to go with very little setup
- All the scripts you need and a few miscellaneous extras
It's hard to show lighting effects properly in a screenshot
so why not watch the video or play the demo module.
SLS2 on Neverwinter Vault