Maps & Mods
It all started with Duke Nukem 3D, but since then I have tinkered with and made maps for various games over the years. I've experimented with many editors from Build & QuArk to Aurora, UED & Radiant.
My most notable contribution is probably the Scripted Lighting System for Neverwinter Nights 2.
Choose a game for more information.
Portal 2

When the in-game editor for Portal 2 maps was released I gave it a try and created a couple of levels. They're both the "my first map" kind of levels which
you shouldn't really release. But I did anyway.
Supreme Commander

I played a lot of Supreme Commander multiplayer so I decided to see what the map editor was like. The experience didn't really satisfy and I only ever
created one map.
Neverwinter Nights 2

I had planned to create and release a full story mod for Neverwinter Nights 2 but I never managed to complete it. However in the process I did create
the Scripted Lighting System which became widely used to control lighting in mods.
Unreal Tournament 2004

I spent many hours involved in the Unreal Tournament 2004 modding scene but I never managed to get a project complete. Here are a few work in progress
Unreal Tournament

Four multiplayer deathmatch map downloads for the original Unreal Tournamment game.
Duke Nukem 3D

18 levels across 3 episodes for single player Duke Nukem 3D.
There are two versions for download, one for the original version of Duke and one for
the Atomic/Plutonium Edition.